Assuming Truth

When listening to the Word of God, we need to set aside our skepticism and criticism and receive it from a standpoint of faith....
Keep ReadingOccasional thoughts from Rob and Randy's (metaphorical) desks.
How can we receive the word "with love" if we're just not feeling that way?...
When listening to the Word of God, we need to set aside our skepticism and criticism and receive it from a standpoint of faith....
We may think we know how to read and hear what the Bible says, but the Bible tells us something different....
We don't need to be ready to hear. Sounds happen and we hear them, right? But in order to hear God's Word in an effective way, we have to prepare ourselves to hear it....
Hearing Scripture can be easy, but the kind of hearing that makes a difference actually requires effort....
The Word of God is powerful, but God has given us responsibility to hear it in a way that puts that power to work....
Presbyterian isn't just something we have in our name. It's something we put into practice, including sending one of our pastors to a national gathering of PCA elders....
Preaching the gospel to ourselves is a great practice to help us think and live rightly. But there's a problem with it......
What exactly is the gospel? And who besides Jesus could ever say they have clean hands or a pure heart? ...
The Grand Canyon, Mount Everest, the Marianas Trench all scream the same truth...God is majestic. So in comparison, man is nothing, right? Not exactly......
Christians are called to be joyful in all circumstances, right? So why do we observe so many Christians who are sad, sometimes for a long time?...
We often hear God calling Jesus "His beloved Son" in the same way that we hear an earthly Father saying "I love my son." But what if what God is saying is closer to "this is my chosen champion"? Would that change the way you think of Jesus?...
How many paths are there in life? Hundreds? Thousands? Millions?!?! What if told you there are only two?...
Expectations can lead to conflict - with other people and with God....
The Bible never tells us to apologize. Seriously. It tells us to do something else....
Why do we sing? Do musicians compose melodies only to aid us in memorizing words? Or does music also serve another purpose?...
Some final thoughts on the practical need for local church membership....
The way Scripture describes the discipline of sinners is only possible in the context of the local church....
When Scripture describes the role of elder, it uses language that cannot be understood without the idea of church membership....
As a Christian, I'm a member of the body of Christ. Why, then, do we talk about also being a member of a local church?...
Is the church only those who are saved? Or is it everyone that shows up on a Sunday morning? The answer is somewhere in between, and it might be less black and white than we want....
Understanding how the Bible speaks of church membership requires a different way of using Scripture than we might be used to....
Church buildings are significant, but they are still only buildings. The true church exists elsewhere....
What do a doctor's office, a mechanic's shop, and the Bible all have in common?...
Putting off the old self is less like digital deletion and more like an older technology....
There may be more to Chinese New Year traditions than meets the eye....
Calling January 1st the start of a "new" year doesn't change anything about us or the year itself. And maybe that's a very good thing....
The Christmas story is only half a story if we leave out what Jesus was doing before he was born....
We often see words like "Joy" "Peace" and "Blessing" and Christmastime, but there is one word we do not often associate with the season. And yet it is a very fitting word....
God is loving, but in a way that doesn't always match our demands and expectations. ...
The greatest obstacle to trusting God's wisdom is that we fail to grasp how different God's thoughts are from our own....
If we believe that God is on control of the big things, we have to believe he is in total control of all the small things, too....
Is sadness a sign of immaturity? Can I worship honestly if I'm not happy? Reading the Psalms might suggest that honest worship embraces the whole spectrum of our emotions. ...
Scripture tells us to "regard no one according to the flesh." How does this affect the labels our society encourages us to use?...
What does the pastor of a small Presbyterian church think about while in a room full of Presbyterian pastors in the midst of a debate?...
Are things getting better? Worse? About the same? And what does that mean for how we live as God's people?...
How do those with citizenship in heaven pray for an earthly nation?...
How long should we pray for something? Until we receive an answer. An old prayer request list on the church computer helped me understand that....
Behind the choices we make are a set of values. Letting worldly values often leads us down a path of exhaustion. Jesus challenges us to choose a different path....
Part 1 in a 3-part series on our culture's obsession with staying busy - what that means to our hearts and how Scripture calls us to rebel against it....
We live in a culture that encourages us to be busy. At the root of that tendency is a false belief that our worth comes from how we spend our time. The Sabbath rest challenges this idol in our hearts....
When listening to the Word of God, we need to set aside our skepticism and criticism and receive it from a standpoint of faith....
Keep ReadingWe may think we know how to read and hear what the Bible says, but the Bible tells us something different....
Keep ReadingWe don't need to be ready to hear. Sounds happen and we hear them, right? But in order to hear God's Word in an effective way, we have to prepare ourselves to hear it....
Keep ReadingHearing Scripture can be easy, but the kind of hearing that makes a difference actually requires effort....
Keep ReadingThe Word of God is powerful, but God has given us responsibility to hear it in a way that puts that power to work....
Keep Reading