Join us for worship This sunday at 8:30 and 11

The process of nominating, examining, and ordaining officers in the church is not a quick one, and it is not something we should take lightly.  The officers of the church are held to high standards and bear greater responsibility.  They are called to serve the church and to represent Christ.  As such, please consider the following as we enter this season of nomination:


We see in Scripture that God has called for the church to be led by elders. In fact, the Greek word for “elder” (presbyteros) is where our denomination gets its name! There are three places in Scripture that describe the character traits to look for in an elder of the church and many places that describe the work and ministry of the elders. Read 1 Timothy 3:1-7, Titus 1:5-9, and 1 Peter 5:2-3. The office of elder is one of spiritual leadership. Consider nominating any men who exhibit spiritual maturity, integrity, respectability, a knowledge of God's Word, and a heart that cares for and shepherds God's people.


We also see in Scripture that God has given the church the office of Deacon in order to relieve the burden of work from the elders and to enable them to focus on the ministries of the Word and prayer. Deacons are described in Acts 6:3 and 1 Timothy 3:8-13, and note in these passages that the emphasis is not on the gifting of the men, but on their character. The focus of deacons is on the physical needs of the church. They minister through collecting and maintaining the church's finances; distributing money to the needy, especially in the church; maintaining the physical building of our ministry; and assisting those with practical needs such as transportation, repairs, etc. Consider nominating men who are trustworthy and who desire to serve others

The Process

The process of putting men in office can take about a year. Just because you've nominated someone, that does not mean they will become an officer. They have their own say in it, as does the session, and ultimately the whole church.

Step One: Nomination
During the month of September, the session will receive nominations. These can be made using the nomination forms in the worship guide or emailing Only TCPC members in good standing may nominate someone, so nominations cannot be anonymous. If you don't know whether or not the person you wish to nominate would qualify for the office, that's OK. Nominate them anyway! The session will evaluate qualifications.

Step Two: Vetting and Challenging
Once nominations are received, the session will review the names of everyone who receives multiple nominations. They will then approach all qualified candidates and ask them to consider undergoing officer training.

Step Three: Training and Examination
Nominees will undergo a time of training that involves teaching in the Word, discussion of TCPC's ministry methods and values, and the details of what it looks like to serve as an officer of the church. At the end of that time, all who wish to proceed will be interviewed and examined by the session.

Step Four: Election and Ordination
Those whom the session determines are fit for office will be presented to the congregation for election at a congregational meeting. Those elected to office by the church will be ordained and installed at a special church service.

Thank you for taking part in this important and meaningful process! Participate prayerfully, knowing that at every step, the Holy Spirit leads the church by giving wisdom for her decision