Join us for worship This sunday at 8:30 and 11

Here is what to expect when you bring your children on Sunday mornings:

QUIET ROOM | Nursing and Sleeping babies

Located in the back room of the Nursery downstairs in the Worship Center.  Available fron 8:30am-9:45am & 11:00am-12:15pm. 

Babies must be accompanied by a parent.

NURSERY | Infants thru Walking; Ages 0-3

8:20am-9:45am; 10:55am-12:15pm. Downstairs in Room 101. Parents/guardians must sign their child in @ the Children's Ministries table and fill out a security sticker.  The portion of the sticker that the parent keeps must be presented when picking the child up.  Only parents/guardians may pick kids up.

Parents may provide a snack and a drink/bottle.


KIDS @ THE COAST - Children's Training Time; Ages 4-7 

9:15am-9:45am; Room 201. Children ages 4-7 will be dismissed from the sanctuary at the beginning of the sermon and be led upstairs with their teacher. A light snack is provided. The children will then be led back into the sanctuary by their teacher at the end of the sermon.