TCPC Missions Vision Statement
"Believing that the great commission was given to the Apostles as representatives of believers of all ages and, therefore, believing that it is the duty of every local church to participate in evangelizing the world, each member of Treasure Coast Presbyterian Church is encouraged to be involved in praying for, giving to, and going/serving on missionary endeavors, as the Lord calls, to the uttermost parts of the earth."
Here are some of the ministries TCPC is actively supporting.
Cheryl Crocker, Medical Missionary, PCA Mission to the World
Cheryl, a Miami native, spent 9 years laboring as a nurse missionary in the Philippines. Upon returning to the US she accepted a position with Mission to the World where she coordinates, recruits workers, and leads medical mission trips around the world. She leads teams to Africa, Europe, and Asia. These churches are typically located in impoverished areas where medical services are very expensive or not available. Medical clinics are used as outreach tools by the local churches who follow up with those who attend the clinics.
InterVarsity Christian Fellowship, Jonathan Giandalone, Indian River State College
Jonathan leads outreach and discipleship ministries at four IRSC campuses. He ministers to and mentors students through Bible studies and leading groups to InterVarsity state conferences and to the Urbana Global Missions Conference.
New Geneva Seminary Extension, Cairo, Egypt In 2011, New Geneva Seminary in Colorado Springs, CO began an extension in Cairo in cooperation with the Presbyterian Church in Nasr City, a suburb of Cairo. There are over 70 students regularly enrolled in the program. In Tunisia, the seminary also provides classes in Biblical Studies to train and disciple leaders of house churches. These classes are also attended by believers from Morocco and Algeria.
Jeff Lee, Reformed University Fellowship, Florida Atlantic University
Jeff is an ordained pastor in the PCA and serves as Campus Minister at FAU. He leads small groups to help students develop gospel-centered friendships and one-on-one to mentor students wrestling with the complexities of life while training them to minister to each other. Jeff leads weekly worship as well as hosting students in his home for meals with his wife and four sons. RUF is committed to reaching students for Christ and equipping them to serve.
James and Christina, Campus Ministry in East Asia
James and Christina are a cross-cultural couple who both met Jesus in college through campus ministry; James in East Asia and Christina in America. They serve the Lord in East Asia with a vision to reach the lost for Christ on college campuses making disciples to change the campus, city, nation and the world. They currently lead and coach campus team leaders and student-led ministries while partnering with local churches to win, build and send believers in East Asia.
Hogar de Vida, Children's Home, Latin America Hogar de Vida is a Christian ministry for at-risk children in Latin America. Many children arrive completely destitute, without a family's care or basic provisions. Often the victims of abuse or neglect, the children's needs are met by the patience and hard work of caring men and women as well as through your support. Founders, Tim and Dena Stromstad, along with dedicated staff and volunteers, minister to these precious children – providing a safe, nurturing place to learn about God's love for them in Christ.