Join us for worship This sunday at 8:30 and 11

Jonathan Giandalone, serving the students and faculty of Indian River State College with InterVaristy

Weekly groups on Monday and Wednesday are going well and have about 6-7 students in each. Their Valentine's Day outreach went very well. They distributed 25 Bibles and met two students who wanted to repent and believe the gospel!

Prayer for Jonathan and Henrina's marriage, time management, and work/life balance. Pray for their ministry to have the funds and volunteers it needs to continue.

Pray for God to raise up apprentices and student leadership for the mission on campus. Pray for student leaders to grow in their relationship with God through his Word, prayer, worship and witnessing on campus.

 Cheryl Crocker, Mission to the World, Medical Missions 

  • Pray for me, that the Lord would guard my heart. I am a super social person, and also thrive on going and doing. Obviously there is very little of that going on right now. All my trips both out of country and in country have been canceled through May. There is still plenty to do here - I could maybe clean out my office (that's only been a need for about 2 years!) 
  • Pray for the Philippines, please pray for those who are so poor and have no means to take care of themselves if sick. I have friends (Dominga Sia) who have had TB several times and lives in a squatters village in a tiny house with no screens or ways to close a very big window, and there are thousands that live in this squatters village. 
  • Pray for Pastor Marlon and the church (Lighthouse) as they continue to do huge ministry both for those who have been affected by the volcano and now those who are impacted by the lockdown from the Coronavirus. Please pray for his safety and his health, the health of the others who are helping with ministry, and their families. 

 New Geneva Seminary in Egypt, Dominic Aquila

Here is an update on New Geneva Seminary's teaching ministry in Egypt. There were four instructors who had made reservations and prepared their lectures to teach in our classes in March. When we began making our plans the Coronavirus was just beginning in China; then it showed up in Italy. At that point we really began to pay attention. We were scheduled to fly through Rome on the way to Cairo; our airline contacted us and suggested that we change our itinerary to fly through Paris, which we did. Now we were paying attention to continuing spread of the virus and it was becoming obvious that our plans were going to be interrupted and decided on March 11 to cancel our trip--not so much in fear of the virus but more that we would probably get stranded in Egypt. Indeed, that evening the president suspended regular flights from Europe. As it turned out, the Egyptian government began urging the people to begin sheltering at home, and the conference ground we use in Alexandria canceled all programs. I have remained in regular contact with our administrators in Egypt as well as some of the students. They have told us how the Lord is opening doors of ministry that they are taking advantage of regularly. 

We are scheduled to be have classes in October; the instructors are lined up and the courses announced. I will also be giving two lectures at the annual Reformation Conference sponsored by the Presbyterian Church of Egypt. This year's theme is Sola Fedi, salvation by faith alone. Past conferences have been well attended, usually with 200-300 people. 

Thank you for your financial and prayer support. Please continue to pray for the ministry of the Egyptian churches.