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Your Kingdom Come: The Gospel of Matthew

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Your Kingdom Come: The Gospel of Matthew

April 24, 2022

A New Beginning

Preacher: Rob Edenfield Series: Your Kingdom Come: The Gospel of Matthew Passage: Matthew 28:16–20

April 17, 2022

Response Required

Preacher: Rob Edenfield Series: Your Kingdom Come: The Gospel of Matthew Passage: Matthew 28:1–15

April 10, 2022

The Untriumphal Exit

Preacher: Rob Edenfield Series: Your Kingdom Come: The Gospel of Matthew Passage: Matthew 27:55–66

April 3, 2022

The Time Has Come

Preacher: Rob Edenfield Series: Your Kingdom Come: The Gospel of Matthew Passage: Matthew 27:51–54

March 27, 2022

A God-Forsaken Moment

Preacher: Rob Edenfield Series: Your Kingdom Come: The Gospel of Matthew Passage: Matthew 27:45–50

March 20, 2022

The Suffering Savior

Preacher: Randy Lozano Series: Your Kingdom Come: The Gospel of Matthew Passage: Matthew 27:27–44

March 13, 2022

Thank God for Unfairness

Preacher: Rob Edenfield Series: Your Kingdom Come: The Gospel of Matthew Passage: Matthew 27:11–26

March 6, 2022

Portraits of Guilt

Preacher: Rob Edenfield Series: Your Kingdom Come: The Gospel of Matthew Passage: Matthew 26:69– 27:10

February 27, 2022

The Truth on Trial

Preacher: Rob Edenfield Series: Your Kingdom Come: The Gospel of Matthew Passage: Matthew 26:57–68

February 20, 2022

Finding Strength

Preacher: Rob Edenfield Series: Your Kingdom Come: The Gospel of Matthew Passage: Matthew 26:45–56

February 13, 2022

Choices in a Garden

Preacher: Rob Edenfield Series: Your Kingdom Come: The Gospel of Matthew Passage: Matthew 26:36–44

February 6, 2022

Unstoppable Salvation

Preacher: Rob Edenfield Series: Your Kingdom Come: The Gospel of Matthew Passage: Matthew 26:17–35

January 30, 2022

Seeing His Worth

Preacher: Rob Edenfield Series: Your Kingdom Come: The Gospel of Matthew Passage: Matthew 26:6–16

November 21, 2021

When a Plan Comes Together

Preacher: Rob Edenfield Series: Your Kingdom Come: The Gospel of Matthew Passage: Matthew 26:1–5

November 14, 2021

When We Are Judged

Preacher: Rob Edenfield Series: Your Kingdom Come: The Gospel of Matthew Passage: Matthew 25:31–46

October 31, 2021

The Making of a Faithful Servant

Preacher: Rob Edenfield Series: Your Kingdom Come: The Gospel of Matthew Passage: Matthew 25:14–31

October 24, 2021

Prepared for the Unpredictable

Preacher: Rob Edenfield Series: Your Kingdom Come: The Gospel of Matthew Passage: Matthew 24:36– 25:13

October 17, 2021

Rejoice, the Lord Is King!

Preacher: Randy Lozano Series: Your Kingdom Come: The Gospel of Matthew Passage: Matthew 24:29–35

October 10, 2021

In Judgement, Kindness

Preacher: Rob Edenfield Series: Your Kingdom Come: The Gospel of Matthew Passage: Matthew 24:15–28

October 4, 2021

From Now Until the End

Preacher: Rob Edenfield Series: Your Kingdom Come: The Gospel of Matthew Passage: Matthew 24:1–14

September 26, 2021

Stubborn Love

Preacher: Rob Edenfield Series: Your Kingdom Come: The Gospel of Matthew Passage: Matthew 23:29–39

September 19, 2021

Guarding Against Hypocrisy

Preacher: Rob Edenfield Series: Your Kingdom Come: The Gospel of Matthew Passage: Matthew 23:1–29

September 12, 2021

Why We Are Here

Preacher: Rob Edenfield Series: Your Kingdom Come: The Gospel of Matthew Passage: Matthew 22:34–40

September 5, 2021

Our Hope Is Built

Preacher: Randy Lozano Series: Your Kingdom Come: The Gospel of Matthew Passage: Matthew 22:23–33, Matthew 22:41–46

August 29, 2021

A Civil Discussion

Preacher: Rob Edenfield Series: Your Kingdom Come: The Gospel of Matthew Passage: Matthew 22:15–22

August 22, 2021

King Rejecters and Sloppy Dressers

Preacher: Rob Edenfield Series: Your Kingdom Come: The Gospel of Matthew Passage: Matthew 22:1–14

August 15, 2021

Options in a Vineyard

Preacher: Rob Edenfield Series: Your Kingdom Come: The Gospel of Matthew Passage: Matthew 21:33–46

August 8, 2021

When the Father Commands

Preacher: Rob Edenfield Series: Your Kingdom Come: The Gospel of Matthew Passage: Matthew 21:23–32

August 1, 2021

Fruitful Faith

Preacher: Randy Lozano Series: Your Kingdom Come: The Gospel of Matthew Passage: Matthew 21:18–22

July 25, 2021

Welcome the King

Preacher: Rob Edenfield Series: Your Kingdom Come: The Gospel of Matthew Passage: Matthew 21:1–17

May 30, 2021

Knowing What You're Asking

Preacher: Rob Edenfield Series: Your Kingdom Come: The Gospel of Matthew Passage: Matthew 20:17–34

May 23, 2021

The Offensiveness of Grace

Preacher: Rob Edenfield Series: Your Kingdom Come: The Gospel of Matthew Passage: Matthew 20:1–16

May 16, 2021

What Is My Reward?

Preacher: Randy Lozano Series: Your Kingdom Come: The Gospel of Matthew Passage: Matthew 19:23–30

May 9, 2021

A Warning to Good People

Preacher: Rob Edenfield Series: Your Kingdom Come: The Gospel of Matthew Passage: Matthew 19:16–22

May 2, 2021

Let Grace Be Grace

Preacher: Rob Edenfield Series: Your Kingdom Come: The Gospel of Matthew Passage: Matthew 19:13–15

April 25, 2021

A Higher Calling

Preacher: Rob Edenfield Series: Your Kingdom Come: The Gospel of Matthew Passage: Matthew 19:1–12

April 18, 2021

Radical Forgiveness

Preacher: Rob Edenfield Series: Your Kingdom Come: The Gospel of Matthew Passage: Matthew 18:21–35

April 11, 2021

The Power of Godly Community

Preacher: Rob Edenfield Series: Your Kingdom Come: The Gospel of Matthew Passage: Matthew 18:15–20

April 4, 2021

What Wondrous Love Is This!

Preacher: Rob Edenfield Series: Your Kingdom Come: The Gospel of Matthew Passage: Matthew 18:10–14

March 28, 2021

The Trouble with Greatness

Preacher: Rob Edenfield Series: Your Kingdom Come: The Gospel of Matthew Passage: Matthew 18:1–5

March 21, 2021

Twin Truths

Preacher: Randy Lozano Series: Your Kingdom Come: The Gospel of Matthew Passage: Matthew 17:21–24

March 14, 2021

The Prayer of Faith

Preacher: Rob Edenfield Series: Your Kingdom Come: The Gospel of Matthew Passage: Matthew 17:20

March 7, 2021

Questions About Faith

Preacher: Rob Edenfield Series: Your Kingdom Come: The Gospel of Matthew Passage: Matthew 17:14–20

February 28, 2021

Who Is He?

Preacher: Rob Edenfield Series: Your Kingdom Come: The Gospel of Matthew Passage: Matthew 17:1–13

February 21, 2021

Glory Deferred

Preacher: Rob Edenfield Series: Your Kingdom Come: The Gospel of Matthew Passage: Matthew 16:21–28

February 14, 2021

The Bride in Her Beginning

Preacher: Randy Lozano Series: Your Kingdom Come: The Gospel of Matthew Passage: Matthew 16:13–20

February 7, 2021

Reading the Signs

Preacher: Rob Edenfield Series: Your Kingdom Come: The Gospel of Matthew Passage: Matthew 16:1–12

January 31, 2021

Crumbs of Grace

Preacher: Rob Edenfield Series: Your Kingdom Come: The Gospel of Matthew Passage: Matthew 15:21–28

January 24, 2021

Second Time's a Charm

Preacher: Randy Lozano Series: Your Kingdom Come: The Gospel of Matthew Passage: Matthew 14:22–33

January 17, 2021

Examining Our Obedience

Preacher: Rob Edenfield Series: Your Kingdom Come: The Gospel of Matthew Passage: Matthew 15:1–20

January 10, 2021

The Lord Will Provide

Preacher: Rob Edenfield Series: Your Kingdom Come: The Gospel of Matthew Passage: Matthew 14:13–21

January 3, 2021

Above All Earthly Powers

Preacher: Rob Edenfield Series: Your Kingdom Come: The Gospel of Matthew Passage: Matthew 14:1–12

December 27, 2020

The Trouble with Wrapping Paper

Preacher: Rob Edenfield Series: Your Kingdom Come: The Gospel of Matthew Passage: Matthew 13:53–58

December 20, 2020

The Joy of the Kingdom

Preacher: Rob Edenfield Series: Your Kingdom Come: The Gospel of Matthew Passage: Matthew 13:44–46

December 13, 2020

This Too Shall Grow

Preacher: Randy Lozano Series: Your Kingdom Come: The Gospel of Matthew Passage: Matthew 13:31–33

December 6, 2020

The Gospel in Your Garden

Preacher: Rob Edenfield Series: Your Kingdom Come: The Gospel of Matthew Passage: Matthew 13:1–9, Matthew 13:18–23

November 29, 2020

Promises in a Weedy World

Preacher: Rob Edenfield Series: Your Kingdom Come: The Gospel of Matthew Passage: Matthew 13:24–30, Matthew 13:36–43

November 22, 2020

When God Tells You a Secret

Preacher: Rob Edenfield Series: Your Kingdom Come: The Gospel of Matthew Passage: Matthew 13:10–17, Matthew 13:34–35

November 15, 2020

The Danger of an Empty House

Preacher: Rob Edenfield Series: Your Kingdom Come: The Gospel of Matthew Passage: Matthew 12:43–45

November 8, 2020

Sign Seeking

Preacher: Rob Edenfield Series: Your Kingdom Come: The Gospel of Matthew Passage: Matthew 12:38–42

November 1, 2020

Words Matter

Preacher: Rob Edenfield Series: Your Kingdom Come: The Gospel of Matthew Passage: Matthew 12:33–37

October 25, 2020

To the Victor Go the Spoils

Preacher: Randy Lozano Series: Your Kingdom Come: The Gospel of Matthew Passage: Matthew 12:22–32

October 18, 2020

Justice for Bruised Reeds

Preacher: Rob Edenfield Series: Your Kingdom Come: The Gospel of Matthew Passage: Matthew 12:15–21

October 11, 2020

The Forest and the Trees

Preacher: Rob Edenfield Series: Your Kingdom Come: The Gospel of Matthew Passage: Matthew 12:1–14

October 4, 2020

Receive and Rest

Preacher: Rob Edenfield Series: Your Kingdom Come: The Gospel of Matthew Passage: Matthew 11:25–30

September 27, 2020

The Word in Its Proper Place

Preacher: Randy Lozano Series: Your Kingdom Come: The Gospel of Matthew Passage: Matthew 11:16–24

September 20, 2020

Doubters and the God Who Loves Them

Preacher: Rob Edenfield Series: Your Kingdom Come: The Gospel of Matthew Passage: Matthew 11:1–15

September 13, 2020

What to Remember Under Pressure

Preacher: Rob Edenfield Series: Your Kingdom Come: The Gospel of Matthew Passage: Matthew 10:26–42

September 6, 2020

Lessons from the Lesser Commission

Preacher: Rob Edenfield Series: Your Kingdom Come: The Gospel of Matthew Passage: Matthew 10:1–25

August 30, 2020

Under the Shadow of His Wings

Preacher: Randy Lozano Series: Your Kingdom Come: The Gospel of Matthew Passage: Matthew 9:14–17

August 23, 2020

A Time for Ministry

Preacher: Rob Edenfield Series: Your Kingdom Come: The Gospel of Matthew Passage: Matthew 9:35–38

August 16, 2020

The Call to Follow

Preacher: Rob Edenfield Series: Your Kingdom Come: The Gospel of Matthew Passage: Matthew 9:9–13

August 9, 2020

Ultimate Authority

Preacher: Randy Lozano Series: Your Kingdom Come: The Gospel of Matthew Passage: Matthew 9:1–8

August 2, 2020

The Power of Authority

Preacher: Rob Edenfield Series: Your Kingdom Come: The Gospel of Matthew Passage: Matthew 8:23–24

July 26, 2020

Authority That Demands Loyalty

Preacher: Rob Edenfield Series: Your Kingdom Come: The Gospel of Matthew Passage: Matthew 8:18–22

July 19, 2020

Authority That Heals

Preacher: Rob Edenfield Series: Your Kingdom Come: The Gospel of Matthew Passage: Matthew 8:1–17

July 12, 2020

Teaching That Has Authority

Preacher: Rob Edenfield Series: Your Kingdom Come: The Gospel of Matthew Passage: Matthew 7:21–29

July 5, 2020

Following Well

Preacher: Rob Edenfield Series: Your Kingdom Come: The Gospel of Matthew Passage: Matthew 7:12–20

June 28, 2020

Because He Is Good

Preacher: Rob Edenfield Series: Your Kingdom Come: The Gospel of Matthew Passage: Matthew 7:1–11

June 21, 2020

Keep Your Eye on the Ball

Preacher: Randy Lozano Series: Your Kingdom Come: The Gospel of Matthew Passage: Matthew 7:1–6

June 14, 2020

God Gives Us More

Preacher: Randy Lozano Series: Your Kingdom Come: The Gospel of Matthew Passage: Matthew 6:25–34

June 7, 2020

Learning from Our Treasures

Preacher: Rob Edenfield Series: Your Kingdom Come: The Gospel of Matthew Passage: Matthew 6:19–24

April 12, 2020

Praying through a Risen King

Preacher: Rob Edenfield Series: Your Kingdom Come: The Gospel of Matthew Passage: Matthew 6:7–15

April 5, 2020

Not Just for Show

Preacher: Rob Edenfield Series: Your Kingdom Come: The Gospel of Matthew Passage: Matthew 6:1–6, Matthew 6:16–18

March 29, 2020

The Heart of Grace

Preacher: Rob Edenfield Series: Your Kingdom Come: The Gospel of Matthew Passage: Matthew 5:38–48

March 8, 2020

The Heart of Truthfulness

Preacher: Randy Lozano Series: Your Kingdom Come: The Gospel of Matthew Passage: Matthew 5:33–37

March 1, 2020

The Conflicted Heart

Preacher: Rob Edenfield Series: Your Kingdom Come: The Gospel of Matthew Passage: Matthew 5:27–32

February 23, 2020

The Heart that Hates

Preacher: Rob Edenfield Series: Your Kingdom Come: The Gospel of Matthew Passage: Matthew 5:21–26

February 16, 2020

Blueprints for the Kingdom

Preacher: Rob Edenfield Series: Your Kingdom Come: The Gospel of Matthew Passage: Matthew 5:17–20

February 9, 2020

Being Who You Are

Preacher: Rob Edenfield Series: Your Kingdom Come: The Gospel of Matthew Passage: Matthew 5:13–16

February 2, 2020

Congratulations to the Citizens

Preacher: Randy Lozano Series: Your Kingdom Come: The Gospel of Matthew Passage: Matthew 5:1–12

January 26, 2020

How to Build a Kingdom

Preacher: Rob Edenfield Series: Your Kingdom Come: The Gospel of Matthew Passage: Matthew 4:12–25

January 19, 2020

Tested and True

Preacher: Rob Edenfield Series: Your Kingdom Come: The Gospel of Matthew Passage: Matthew 4:1–11

January 12, 2020

The King Revealed

Preacher: Rob Edenfield Series: Your Kingdom Come: The Gospel of Matthew Passage: Matthew 3:13–17

January 5, 2020

Repentance Required

Preacher: Rob Edenfield Series: Your Kingdom Come: The Gospel of Matthew Passage: Matthew 3:1–12

December 29, 2019

Until We Weep No More

Preacher: Rob Edenfield Series: Your Kingdom Come: The Gospel of Matthew Passage: Matthew 2:13–23

December 22, 2019

How to Welcome a King

Preacher: Rob Edenfield Series: Your Kingdom Come: The Gospel of Matthew Passage: Matthew 2:1–12

December 15, 2019

When God Interrupts

Preacher: Rob Edenfield Series: Your Kingdom Come: The Gospel of Matthew Passage: Matthew 1:18–25

December 8, 2019

The Story of the Kingdom

Preacher: Rob Edenfield Series: Your Kingdom Come: The Gospel of Matthew Passage: Matthew 1:2–17

December 1, 2019

Who Is This King of Glory?

Preacher: Randy Lozano Series: Your Kingdom Come: The Gospel of Matthew Passage: Matthew 1:1